Before the Youth Runs Away

Living Environments That Reflect Our Interpersonal Skills

To prevent youth from running away, we must first of all focus on our shared relationship with them. For this relationship to be meaningful, we must listen to their needs. We must also reassure the youth and help establish a relationship of trust between them and us. By taking the time to nurture this relationship, adopting the appropriate approach to intervention, we have a solid foundation to support the person in their situation.

Our concern for the relationship with the youth is also reflected in the living environment we offer, whether this environment needs to be provided on a temporary or long-term basis. In addition to our role, the environment where the youth lives can greatly contribute to their development, their self-esteem and the exploration of their aspirations. Their living environment will influence how they perceive the welcome they receive and have a positive impact on their sense of security and stability.

Intervenants : Avant la fugue
Intervenants - Avant la fugue
Intervenants - Avant la fugue

Preventing Youth From Running Away

When a youth is seriously considering running away, it is important to work with them, their parents and any other relevant stakeholders. The goal is to identify tangible and suitable alternatives that have the potential to prevent the youth from leaving. In the event that running away cannot be avoided, it is important to set up an effective safety net around the youth.

While always respecting the rules of privacy and the responsibilities of each person, it is possible to share certain information and offer a space for dialogue where we can discuss the following topics together:

New ways to address the youth’s needs and aspirations

The reason for running away

Protective factors (network, school, leisure, employment)

Risk and vulnerability factors (age, physical health and mental health)

Any other element that helps us prevent them from running away

We can immediately begin a process of reflection and explore ways of thinking with the youth when they return home . These ideas are especially relevant when it is not the first time they have run away.